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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Facebook down


Looks like I was not the only one being effected by this outage. Infact it seems that millions of people were being effected. I mean the site being down hit such a large number of people that it actually made the news. The funny thing is I was able to access facebook from another computer.

This is a great example of a Pri 0 issue. The severity of the issue is fairly moderate maybe sev 2 since I was able to get to the site from another machine and use it just like normal. I am sure many of the people who were effected by the issue would have and could have done the same. However since this issue hit so many users, enough to make the news it is definately a Pri 0.

In the case of Facebook I would consider any issue that infects the computer with malicous code, allows users to get phished, or any other general thing that can cause real harm to a person to be sev 1. Not being able to access a site for a while is common and has no real effects other then inconvenience to the users, thus it would be sev 2.

Check out Priority vs Severity for more details.

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